
10th English

 10th English!

Hi friends!

English Study Techniques

  • First love your Subject, then you will never feel bored.

  • Listen to your teacher tentatively 

  • Read the Text for 20 times, only then you will be able to write any Discourse.

  • Set an online Dictionary as your homepage and study.

  • Refer all available books.

  • Take online tests regularly, and don't forget to review.

  • By heart important facts and gist of the story, you can mould them into essays. But don't memorise. Write them of your own.

  • Practice previous papers without fail.

  • Build sound vocabulary.

  • You must know your model paper pattern and practice accordingly.

  • Just study, don't postpone.

  • Frame a realistic Time table and follow strictly.

  • Spend a reasonable time on internet.

  • Start now, it's never too late.

  • Go to bed early, weekends too.

  • Record your own notes and listen to it on the go.

  • It’s no harm to keep thinking about what course you want to do, and keep researching different areas.

  • Spend quality time with English (news, movies,  journals stories etc.)

  • If you have interest in the subject, you need not be told all these things.


Finite and Nonfinite Verbs

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