
FA 1 10th English


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NAME: ________________SEC.. _____ M: 20


  1. Read and Answer. 10 m.

A. ‘I call it my chicken drumstick,’ joked Nick, who was born in Melbourne, Australia, but now lives in Los Angeles. ‘I’d be lost without it.

  1. What does he call as chicken drum stick?

  2. Why would he be lost without it?

  3. What does I refer to?

           B. One day a partially deaf four year old kid came home with a note in his pocket from his teacher, "Your Tommy is too stupid to learn, get him out of the school." His mother read the note and answered, "My Tommy is not stupid to learn, I will teach

him myself." And that Tommy grew up to be the great Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison had only three months of formal schooling and he was partially deaf.

  1. Who was Tommy?

  2. What did he invent?

          C. Mrs. Slater : Henry, why shouldn't we bring that bureau down here now? We can do it before they come.

  1. What does the word "they" refer to?

  2. What does the word 'it' here refer to?

  3. Whose bureau was that?

          D. Abel : I’ll tell you what I’ve got to do. On Monday next I’ve got to do three things.

I’ve got to go to the lawyer and alter my will; and I’ve got to go to the insurance office and pay my premium and I’ve got to go to St Philip’s Church and get married.

  1. "I have got to do three things" what are they?

  2. With whom did he speak these words?

Ii. Read the following descriptions about persons and fill in the blanks with the words that match with these descriptions. 3m

boorish extrovert meticulous suave placid

obnoxious compassionate timid introvert malicious

1. Ashok is a very unpleasant and rude fellow. I don't talk to him. He is ___________.

2. Srinu is very confident, elegant and polite. But sometimes he does not appear to be

sincere. He is __________________.

3. Sujatha is quiet and calm. She doesn’t like to spend time with others. She is interested

in her thoughts and feelings. So she is an ____________________.

4. Ramesh is very sensitive. He always shows sympathy for people who are suffering. He is _____________________ .

5. My neighbour is such a person that he has a feeling of hatred for others. He desires to

hurt others’ feelings. He is _______________ 

6. My father pays careful attention to every detail. He makes thorough planning for

everything in our home. He is ____________ 

Iii. Circle the Non-defining Relative Clause 1

  1. The meeting which was held in the town hall was a great success.

  2. Napolean who won the French honour died at St. Helena.

IV. You to your friend: 'You have not thought seriously about what you want to do in your

life.' How would you express this idea using 'It's high time'. 1

A: __________________________________.

V. Write a biological sketch of Stephen Hawking 5

  • Points to be covered - Details of the person

  • Date and place of birth January 8,1942, Oxford, England

  • Information about the family • Eldest one of four sons

  • •Mother: Isobel Hawking

  • •Father: Frank Hawking, a medical researcher with ha specialty in tropical diseases

  • Important events in life • Early academic life: recognized as a bright student

  • • High school years: third from the bottom of his class

  • • Pursuits outside of school: loved board games,

  •  constructed a computer out of recycled parts at the

  •  age of 16, solved rudimentary mathematical equations

  • • Marriage: married Jane Wilde

  • • Health: Suffered from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 

  • • Research: on black holes

  • • Discovery: Hawking Radiation

  • Awards, prizes, honours • Fellow of the Royal Society at the age of 32 • Albert Einstein Award. • The Pius XI- Gold Medal for Science froPope pe Paul VI in 1975

  • Contribution to his field and • Contributed to the advancement of science and society research