
6th English FA 1 2021 Model Paper

 6th English, FA 1 - 2021. 

Model Paper.



Class: VI,

Subject : English.

Name: ……………………..……..... Sec: …..... No: ……


1.Put the following sentences in the order of events. 21/2 m

  1. People went to Tenali Ramakrishna and told him their problem.

  2. Chitra Varma was appointed a chief advisor to the emperor.

  3. Tenali Ramakrishna implemented his plan by engaging a carpenter as a cook.

  4. Emperor Srikrishna Devaraya realized his mistake at the end.

  5. Chitra Varma was a famous painter in the emperor's court.

2. Say whether the following statements are True / False: 21/2 m

  1. Chitra Varma was a famous carpenter. (   )

  2. Emperor Srikrishna Devaraya awarded a lot of gold coins to Chitra Varma.   ( )

  3. Tenali Ramakrishna was a poet and jester in emperor Srikrishna Devaraya's court. (   )

  4. Tenali Ramakrishna prepared a delicious dinner for the emperor. (   )

  5. Emperor Srikrishna Devaraya realized his mistake at the end. (   )

3. Choose the correct Synonym 1m 

(Swelled, honoured, particular, ordinary)

  1. Chitra Varma is a unique (1) painter. He will be rewarded (2)

4. Write the correct Antonym. 1m

  1. He deserves(1) your encouragement (2)

5. Choose the correct other forms of the words.1M

  1. No painter on the earth can ………. (compete / competition) with you Chitra Verma you are a unique ……… (painter / paint)

6. Extract some other words from the following word. 1 m

  1. REWARD.

___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___

7. Read these sentences and write "D" for declarative, "E" for exclamatory "In" for interrogative and "Im" for imperative in the brackets given. 21/2 m

  1. Please show me the way to the library. (   )

  2. What a great painting this is! (   )

  3. Where can I find a sweet shop? (   )

  4. Mother looks after her children carefully. (   )

  5. What happened? (   )

8. Read the following sentences and put full stops (.), question (?), marks and exclamation marks (!), wherever necessary. 21/2 m

  1. He got a good job ……….

  2. Did he get a good job ………

  3. What a great job ……….

  4. Get a great job first ……….

  5. What is your job ……….

9. Circle the /f/ sounds. 1m.

  • Parrot photo, parcel, phone.

10. Write an Invitation. 5 m

  1. Write an Invitation on behalf of your School Anniversary. Date: 10.3.21, Time: 4.00 pm. Venue: Your School.
