
The Author's Feelings

 The Author's Feelings / The Narrator's Feelings.

Lesson: The Journey
10th English.

The Author's Feelings /

The Narrator's Feelings.

By knr

     I felt really lethargic when I had to go to the workplace after spending six months at home. I did not want to go as I had to leave my newly-wed-wife at home. I should have taken her along with me to my workplace. 

     On my way back, nobody had time to spare for me to carry my trunk as they were busy. In fact, carrying the trunk should not have been such a worry for me except that my education had made me shun physical labour. 

     Finally, my father said that he would carry the trunk for me to the bus stop.

     I protested. How could I allow my old father to carry my trunk?  What would people think? What would they say? But I failed to dissuade him.  

     On our way, we were tired. Father drank a mug of home-made-wine. I felt like sipping some of it. We were walking a narrow hilly road. From time to time it crossed my mind that it was improper for me to let father carry the luggage. I wanted to tell him that I would like to carry the trunk myself but my guilt and shame did not allow me to do so. I had the feeling that if I carried the luggage my father and my people in fact, the whole world would laugh at me and I would be belittled. 

     My parents were truly proud of me.  My father would not like to see me carrying a trunk on my back and would be very hurt if I did so.  I felt that that it would be better to let father carry it.  

     He might be stronger than me but how would I allow him to carry? Am I not a responsible son? Am I not grateful to him? It's a shame on my part to do so. I'm really sorry Dad, I would never make such mistakes again.


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