
Spoken English : 9

Spoken English: 9

  • While playing this quiz both the options must be carefully observed.
  • After submission the answers should be memorized and applied in similar sentences.
  • Think and write as many such sentences as possible in your notebook.

Combining Sentences

Combining Sentences

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Spoken English: 8

 Relative Pronouns:
Who, which, that, whom, whose, what, as, but. And how to use them in Spoken English. Practice Well.

Spoken English 7

 Spoken English: 7

If you keenly observe the quiz, you can prepare questions which are thought to be tough. See the magic. Share only if you think it's useful.

Simple Past and Present Perfect, 10th English, unit: 2, Pages: 66 & 67.

 Simple Past and Present Perfect, 10th English, Unit: 2, Pages: 66 & 67.

Check your understanding of the Topic by playing this Quiz till you get 100% accuracy. No doubt, you will definitely get 2 marks in Public Exam. All the Best. πŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏ

Unnecessary Words 1

A simple test on unnecessary words used in a sentence.