
What about You?

What about you?

Shailesh Ramanuj

 This is a short checklist to help you test how much you love yourself. Answer the questions as honestly as you can and total your scores as shown.


1 I have a lot of doubts about 

my abilities.

  • Always 

  • Sometimes 

  • Rarely

2 I am often unkind about 


  • Always 

  • Sometimes 

  • Rarely

3 I don't like what I see in the 


  • Always 

  • Sometimes 

  • Rarely

4 I blame myself when things 

go wrong.

  • Always 

  • Sometimes 

  • Rarely

5 I personalise things when 

someone says something I 

don't understand.

  • Always 

  • Sometimes 

  • Rarely

6 I don't feel I'm very important 

in life.

  • Always 

  • Sometimes 

  • Rarely

7 I don't have good nurturing 

relationships with people.

  • Always 

  • Sometimes 

  • Rarely

8 I feel I am not good enough 

as a person.

  • Always 

  • Sometimes 

  • Rarely

9 I have negative thoughts.

  • Always 

  • Sometimes 

  • Rarely

10 I don't respect myself.

  • Always 

  • Sometimes 

  • Rarely

11 I don't like things I say or do.

  • Always 

  • Sometimes 

  • Rarely

12 I lack confidence.

  • Always 

  • Sometimes 

  • Rarely

13 I don't value myself.

  • Always 

  • Sometimes 

  • Rarely

Now score your responses. 

Always = 2, sometimes = 1 and rarely = 0.

Total your score and check the following interpretations.

☆ 0 - 8 : You have a strong love for yourself that is capable of bringing quite a lot of change and helps you feel in control of your life. Keep trusting your intuition and continue feeling good about yourself.

☆ 9-13 : You have a moderate love for yourself. If you are conscious of your negativity towards you, try and identify the areas of your life that have contributed to this. Try and let false opinions of yourself go.

☆14-26 : A score in this range suggests you have a number of concerns about yourself and your life. These concerns are likely to 

feed a negative self-image and could upset your chances of feeling

9 I have negative thoughts.

  • Always 

  • Sometimes 

  • Rarely

10 I don't respect myself.

  • Always 

  • Sometimes 

  • Rarely

11 I don't like things I say or do.

  • Always 

  • Sometimes 

  • Rarely

12 I lack confidence.

  • Always 

  • Sometimes 

  • Rarely

13 I don't value myself.

  • Always 

  • Sometimes 

  • Rarely

Now score your responses. 

Always = 2, sometimes = 1 and rarely = 0.

Total your score and check the following interpretations.

☆ 0 - 8 : You have a strong love for yourself that is capable of bringing quite a lot of change and helps you feel in control of your 

life. Keep trusting your intuition and continue feeling good about yourself.

☆ 9-13 : You have a moderate love for yourself. If you are conscious of your negativity towards you, try and identify the areas of your life that have contributed to this. Try and let false opinions 

of yourself go.

☆14-26 : A score in this range suggests you have a number of concerns about yourself and your life. These concerns are likely to feed a negative self-image and could upset your chances of 𝖋𝖊𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌 successful or positive about yourself. It is important to recognise which aspects your life you're unhappy with and decide to tackle one aspect of something in order to put you back in control.

Here are some strategies for building love for one's ownself :

● Free yourself from "should've". Live your life on the basis of what is possible for you and what feels right to you instead of what you or others think you "should" do. Find out what you want and what you are good at.

● Respect your own needs. Respecting your deeper needs will increase your sense of worth and well-being.

● Set achievable goals. Establish goals on the basis of what you can realistically achieve, and then work step-by-step to develop your strength.

● Talk to yourself positively. When you notice that you are doubting or judging yourself, replace such thoughts with self-supportive direction.

● Seek out and put yourself in situations in which the probability of success is high.

● Take chances. New experiences are learning experiences which can build self-confidence. Expect to make mistakes as part of the 

process; don't be disappointed if you don't do it perfectly. Feel 𝖌𝖔𝖔𝖉 about trying something new, making progress and increasing your 


● Solve problems. Don't avoid problems. Face them, and identify ways to solve them or cope with them.

● Make decisions.Trust yourself to deal with the results.

● Develop your skills. Know what you can and can't do.

● Focus on what you can do rather than what you cannot.

Thank You Shailesh Ramanuj

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