
Lock Down Diary


Dear students,  This is a model diary. You can write the same of your own and with your own experiences. Study this and write a Diary Entry.



Dear Diary, 

     I wish we had complete freedom from Covid-19. As we are confined to houses. Our parents don't even send outside to play. It is really horrible to stay at home for a long time. Maintaining distance from our near and dear ones is another awkward thing I hate most. Constant washing of hands with sanitizers washes away the smoothness of our hands. The masks that we wear sometimes cause gasping / breathlessness. Some desired foods are not allowed to eat outside and are not cooked to eat at home. No movies, no shikars, but we had some wonderful, incredible and amazing memorable  moments with the members of the family at home. We studied through online classes. We filled the worksheets given to us. The Pandemic affected two academic years.  It would be nice if this all ended. Oh God, we wish we had the complete freedom from fear of death.

Your friend.


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