
Correction of Sentences



  1. The childs played in the park.

  2. I saw two deers in the forest.

  3. The books are on the shelfs.

  4. He is a very talented musics.

  5. My sisters friend lives in New York.

Correction of Sentences Nouns.


  1. The child played in the park.

  2. I saw two deer in the forest.

  3. The books are on the shelves.

  4. He is a very talented musician.

  5. My sister's friend lives in New York.

Some More on Nouns.

Sentence: The childs played in the parks.

Correction: The children played in the park.

Sentence: My familys vacationed at the beach.

Correction: My family vacationed at the beach.

Sentence: The dogs chased the cats up the tree.

Correction: The dog chased the cat up the tree.

Sentence: I saw severals deers in the forest.

Correction: I saw several deer in the forest.

Sentence: Shes a singers in the band.

Correction: She's a singer in the band.

Sentence: The childs toys were scattered on the floor.

Correction: The children's toys were scattered on the floor.

Sentence: The womens shoes were on sale.

Correction: The women's shoes were on sale.

Sentence: The foxs tail was fluffy.

Correction: The fox's tail was fluffy.

Sentence: We ate hamburgers and friess at the picnic.

Correction: We ate hamburgers and fries at the picnic.

Sentence: The mice ran across the kitchens.

Correction: The mice ran across the kitchen.


Sentence: Me and my friend went to the movies.

Correction: My friend and I went to the movies.

Sentence: Her bought a new car last week.

Correction: She bought a new car last week.

Sentence: The book is mines, not yours.

Correction: The book is mine, not yours.

Sentence: We saw they at the concert yesterday.

Correction: We saw them at the concert yesterday.

Sentence: He and me are going on a trip together.

Correction: He and I are going on a trip together.

Sentence: The laptop is their, not our.

Correction: The laptop is theirs, not ours.

Sentence: She's going to the store. Do you want to go with she?

Correction: She's going to the store. Do you want to go with her?

Sentence: The cat is very friendly. I like it.

Correction: The cat is very friendly. I like it.

Sentence: We are going to the park. Do you want to come with we?

Correction: We are going to the park. Do you want to come with us?

Sentence: Him and me are best friends.

Correction: He and I are best friends.


Sentence: Her and me are going shopping later.

Correction: She and I are going shopping later.

Sentence: John and he played football in the park.

Correction: John and he played football in the park.

Sentence: Us students are organising a bake sale.

Correction: We students are organizing a bake sale.

Sentence: My sister and her are going to the concert.

Correction: My sister and she are going to the concert.

Sentence: Me and him went to the beach yesterday.

Correction: He and I went to the beach yesterday.

Sentence: Me and my brother are twins.

Correction: My brother and I are twins.

Sentence: They and me finished the project on time.

Correction: They and I finished the project on time.

Sentence: Us girls went to the mall to shop.

Correction: We girls went to the mall to shop.

Sentence: Me and Sarah are going on vacation together.

Correction: Sarah and I are going on vacation together.


Sentence: She bought a biggers house than mine.

Correction: She bought a bigger house than mine.

Sentence: The weather is more hot today than yesterday.

Correction: The weather is hotter today than yesterday.

Sentence: This is the most easiest task I've ever done.

Correction: This is the easiest task I've ever done.

Sentence: He is the goodest player on the team.

Correction: He is the best player on the team.

Sentence: That movie was so boringest.

Correction: That movie was so boring.

Sentence: She has the prettiestest dress at the party.

Correction: She has the prettiest dress at the party.

Sentence: This is a much funner game than the last one.

Correction: This is a much more fun game than the last one.

Sentence: The cake tasted more deliciouser than it looked.

Correction: The cake tasted more delicious than it looked.

Sentence: It was the funniestest joke I've ever heard.

Correction: It was the funniest joke I've ever heard.

Sentence: This is a badder situation than I expected.

Correction: This is a worse situation than I expected.

Sentence: The red car is faster than any other car in the lot.

Correction: The red car is faster than any other car in the parking lot.

Sentence: She is the most prettier girl in the class.

Correction: She is the prettiest girl in the class.

Sentence: It was the most bad day of my life.

Correction: It was the worst day of my life.

Sentence: The tall boy reached the highest shelf easily.

Correction: The tall boy reached the highest shelf effortlessly.

Sentence: The new book is more interesting than any other book I've read.

Correction: The new book is more interesting than any other book I've read.

Sentence: The big elephant is stronger than any other animal in the zoo.

Correction: The large elephant is stronger than any other animal in the zoo.

Sentence: This pizza is less tastier than the one we had last week.

Correction: This pizza is less tasty than the one we had last week.

Sentence: She bought a cheap dress that is cheaper than mine.

Correction: She bought an inexpensive dress that is less expensive than mine.

Sentence: He is the most tallest person in the room.

Correction: He is the tallest person in the room.

Sentence: The old house was the most dirty place I've ever seen.

Correction: The old house was the dirtiest place I've ever seen.


Sentence: She go to the store every day.

Correction: She goes to the store every day.

Sentence: They is playing soccer in the park.

Correction: They are playing soccer in the park.

Sentence: He have two dogs as pets.

Correction: He has two dogs as pets.

Sentence: We was studying for the exam all night.

Correction: We were studying for the exam all night.

Sentence: I not like spicy food.

Correction: I don't like spicy food.

Sentence: The cat are sleeping on the couch.

Correction: The cat is sleeping on the couch.

Sentence: She have been working here for five years.

Correction: She has been working here for five years.

Sentence: They don't has enough money to buy a car.

Correction: They don't have enough money to buy a car.

Sentence: He run every morning to stay fit.

Correction: He runs every morning to stay fit.

Sentence: We seen that movie last night.

Correction: We saw that movie last night.

Sentence: He have a lot of books on his shelf.

Correction: He has a lot of books on his shelf.

Sentence: They is going to the park this afternoon.

Correction: They are going to the park this afternoon.

Sentence: She don't like coffee, but she likes tea.

Correction: She doesn't like coffee, but she likes tea.

Sentence: I have saw that movie before.

Correction: I have seen that movie before.

Sentence: The cat is laying on the couch.

Correction: The cat is lying on the couch.

Sentence: They is playing soccer in the field.

Correction: They are playing soccer in the field.

Sentence: We have went to the beach last weekend.

Correction: We went to the beach last weekend.

Sentence: She don't have enough money to buy a new car.

Correction: She doesn't have enough money to buy a new car.

Sentence: He have been studying all day for the exam.

Correction: He has been studying all day for the exam.

Sentence: The birds is flying in the sky.

Correction: The birds are flying in the sky.

Sentence: She sings beautiful.

Correction: She sings beautifully.

Sentence: He runs quick on the track.

Correction: He runs quickly on the track.

Sentence: They played good in the game.

Correction: They played well in the game.

Sentence: She danced perfect at the recital.

Correction: She danced perfectly at the recital.

Sentence: He speaks loud during meetings.

Correction: He speaks loudly during meetings.

Sentence: She performed bad on the test.

Correction: She performed poorly on the test.

Sentence: He drives careful on the highway.

Correction: He drives carefully on the highway.

Sentence: They arrived late to the party.

Correction: They arrived late to the party.

Sentence: She sings sweet when she performs.

Correction: She sings sweetly when she performs.

Sentence: He did good on his presentation.

Correction: He did well on his presentation.

Sentence: She quickly ran towards the finish line.

Correction: She ran quickly towards the finish line.

Sentence: He carefully drove the car on the slippery road.

Correction: He drove the car carefully on the slippery road.

Sentence: They quietly whispered to each other during the movie.

Correction: They whispered quietly to each other during the movie.

Sentence: The dog loudly barked at the mailman.

Correction: The dog barked loudly at the mailman.

Sentence: She very happily accepted the invitation to the party.

Correction: She happily accepted the invitation to the party.

Sentence: He suddenly realized he had forgotten his keys.

Correction: He realized suddenly he had forgotten his keys.

Sentence: The students eagerly listened to the teacher's explanation.

Correction: The students listened eagerly to the teacher's explanation.

Sentence: They carefully arranged the flowers on the table.

Correction: They arranged the flowers carefully on the table.

Sentence: The rain heavily poured throughout the night.

Correction: The rain poured heavily throughout the night.

Sentence: She quickly and efficiently completed the task.

Correction: She completed the task quickly and efficiently.


Sentence: I will meet you on the restaurant.

Correction: I will meet you at the restaurant.

Sentence: She lives in United States since 2010.

Correction: She has lived in the United States since 2010.

Sentence: He sat down beside the table.

Correction: He sat down by the table.

Sentence: The book is on the top of the shelf.

Correction: The book is at the top of the shelf.

Sentence: They went for a walk along the beach.

Correction: They went for a walk by the beach.

Sentence: She is going to the party with her friends.

Correction: She is going to the party with friends.

Sentence: The cat jumped out of the box.

Correction: The cat jumped out from the box.

Sentence: He put the keys over the table.

Correction: He put the keys on the table.

Sentence: They arrived at the airport in time.

Correction: They arrived at the airport on time.

Sentence: The picture is hanging against the wall.

Correction: The picture is hanging on the wall.

Sentence: She is waiting at the bus station.

Correction: She is waiting at the bus stop.

Sentence: We went to the restaurant for having dinner.

Correction: We went to the restaurant to have dinner.

Sentence: He lives in a small town nearby to the mountains.

Correction: He lives in a small town near the mountains.

Sentence: The book is on the table beside of the lamp.

Correction: The book is on the table next to the lamp.

Sentence: They walked through the park during the night.

Correction: They walked in the park during the night.

Sentence: She arrived at the airport at 8 o'clock in the morning.

Correction: She arrived at the airport at 8 o'clock.

Sentence: We had a picnic by the riverside.

Correction: We had a picnic by the river.

Sentence: The cat jumped over the fence.

Correction: The cat jumped across the fence.

Sentence: He went inside the house through the front door.

Correction: He went into the house through the front door.

Sentence: She placed the flowers onto the vase.

Correction: She placed the flowers in the vase.


Sentence: I want to go to the party but I have to finish my homework.

Correction: I want to go to the party, but I have to finish my homework.

Sentence: He is not only a great singer he is also a talented actor.

Correction: He is not only a great singer, but he is also a talented actor.

Sentence: I like both chocolate ice cream as well as vanilla.

Correction: I like both chocolate ice cream and vanilla.

Sentence: She didn't pass the test nor did she study enough.

Correction: She didn't pass the test, nor did she study enough.

Sentence: We can either go to the movies or stay home and watch a movie.

Correction: We can either go to the movies or stay home to watch a movie.

Sentence: He prefers to eat pizza over eating hamburgers.

Correction: He prefers to eat pizza rather than eating hamburgers.

Sentence: I didn't see him yet I heard he was at the party.

Correction: I didn't see him, yet I heard he was at the party.

Sentence: She likes to read books but also enjoys watching movies.

Correction: She likes to read books, but she also enjoys watching movies.

Sentence: I will study hard so I can pass the exam and get good grades.

Correction: I will study hard so that I can pass the exam and get good grades.

Sentence: They can come either today, tomorrow or on Sunday.

Correction: They can come either today, tomorrow, or on Sunday.


Sentence: I want to go to the movies but I don't have enough money.

Correction: I want to go to the movies, but I don't have enough money.

Sentence: He likes to play soccer and he also enjoys basketball.

Correction: He likes to play soccer, and he also enjoys basketball.

Sentence: She wanted to go shopping so she called her friend.

Correction: She wanted to go shopping, so she called her friend.

Sentence: I want to eat pizza nor I want to eat pasta for dinner.

Correction: I want to eat neither pizza nor pasta for dinner.

Sentence: They can choose to go hiking or to go swimming.

Correction: They can choose to go hiking or swimming.

Sentence: He didn't study for the test yet he passed with a high score.

Correction: He didn't study for the test, yet he passed with a high score.

Sentence: I'm not sure if I should take the train or I should drive.

Correction: I'm not sure if I should take the train or drive.

Sentence: She wants to eat ice cream nor she wants to eat cake for dessert.

Correction: She wants to eat neither ice cream nor cake for dessert.

Sentence: They can either go to the park or they can stay at home.

Correction: They can either go to the park or stay at home.

Sentence: He didn't buy the book however he borrowed it from the library.

Correction: He didn't buy the book; however, he borrowed it from the library.


Sentence: Wow, that was an amazing goal!

Correction: "Wow! That was an amazing goal!"

Sentence: Ouch, that hurt!

Correction: "Ouch! That hurt!"

Sentence: Well, I guess we'll have to try again.

Correction: "Well, I guess we'll have to try again."

Sentence: Oops I dropped the glass.

Correction: "Oops! I dropped the glass."

Sentence: Ah I finally found what I was looking for.

Correction: "Ah! I finally found what I was looking for."

Sentence: Yay I won the contest!

Correction: "Yay! I won the contest!"

Sentence: Hmm I'm not sure about that.

Correction: "Hmm, I'm not sure about that."

Sentence: Oh that's a beautiful sunset!

Correction: "Oh! That's a beautiful sunset!"

Sentence: Well I suppose we could go for a walk.

Correction: "Well, I suppose we could go for a walk."

Sentence: Ugh I can't believe I made that mistake.

Correction: "Ugh! I can't believe I made that mistake."

Sentence: Wow! That's an amazing performance.

Correction: Wow! That's an amazing performance!

Sentence: Oops, I dropped my phone on the floor.

Correction: Oops! I dropped my phone on the floor.

Sentence: Hurray I won the game!

Correction: Hurray! I won the game!

Sentence: Um, I think we should take a different route.

Correction: Um, I think we should take a different route.

Sentence: Ah I can't believe it's already time to leave.

Correction: Ah! I can't believe it's already time to leave.

Sentence: Well, I guess we'll have to try again.

Correction: Well, I guess we'll have to try again.

Sentence: Oh! That's such a cute puppy.

Correction: Oh! That's such a cute puppy!

Sentence: Ahem, may I have your attention please?

Correction: Ahem, may I have your attention, please?

Sentence: Eek! There's a spider in the corner.

Correction: Eek! There's a spider in the corner!

Sentence: Hmm, I'm not sure which one to choose.

Correction: Hmm, I'm not sure which one to choose.


Sentence: I saw an interesting movie last night.

Correction: I saw an interesting movie last night.

Sentence: She wants to buy the laptop, but she doesn't have money.

Correction: She wants to buy a laptop, but she doesn't have money.

Sentence: Can you pass me a salt, please?

Correction: Can you pass me the salt, please?

Sentence: He is an doctor who works at the hospital.

Correction: He is a doctor who works at the hospital.

Sentence: She is learning an English as her second language.

Correction: She is learning English as her second language.

Sentence: I need to buy the bread for making sandwiches.

Correction: I need to buy bread for making sandwiches.

Sentence: He plays an piano beautifully.

Correction: He plays the piano beautifully.

Sentence: There is an cat sitting on the fence.

Correction: There is a cat sitting on the fence.

Sentence: I'm going to get an ice cream from the truck.

Correction: I'm going to get ice cream from the truck.

Sentence: She has an apple and an banana in her bag.

Correction: She has an apple and a banana in her bag.

Sentence: I have cat and dog.

Correction: I have a cat and a dog.

Sentence: He is engineer.

Correction: He is an engineer.

Sentence: She is holding apple in her hand.

Correction: She is holding an apple in her hand.

Sentence: They went to beach yesterday.

Correction: They went to the beach yesterday.

Sentence: I want to buy car.

Correction: I want to buy a car.

Sentence: He is looking for job.

Correction: He is looking for a job.

Sentence: She is artist.

Correction: She is an artist.

Sentence: He bought new computer.

Correction: He bought a new computer.

Sentence: I saw bird in the tree.

Correction: I saw a bird in the tree.

Sentence: They live in apartment.

Correction: They live in an apartment.

Sentence: I went to store to buy groceries.

Correction: I went to the store to buy groceries.

Sentence: He is waiting for bus at the corner.

Correction: He is waiting for the bus at the corner.

Sentence: She is going to library to study.

Correction: She is going to the library to study.

Sentence: They went to park for a picnic.

Correction: They went to the park for a picnic.

Sentence: I need to go to hospital for a check-up.

Correction: I need to go to the hospital for a check-up.

Sentence: She is going to university to attend classes.

Correction: She is going to the university to attend classes.

Sentence: He works at office in the city center.

Correction: He works at the office in the city center.

Sentence: I went to church for Sunday service.

Correction: I went to the church for Sunday service.

Sentence: She is going to beach to relax.

Correction: She is going to the beach to relax.

Sentence: They went to theater to watch movie.

Correction: They went to the theater to watch a movie.

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