
Tenses Tests


Simple Present Tense

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in the simple present tense:

  • She ___________ (play) the piano every day.

  • Answer: plays

  • John usually ___________ (drink/drinks) coffee in the morning.

  • Answer: drinks

  • They ___________ (live) in that house for ten years.

  • Answer: live

  • The cat ___________ (sleep/sleeps) on the bed every night.

  • Answer: sleeps

  • We ___________ (watch) movies on the weekends.

  • Answer: watch

  • My sister ___________ (work/works) as a nurse at the hospital.

  • Answer: works

  • The sun ___________ (rise) in the east.

  • Answer: rises

  • They usually ___________ (go/goes) to the gym on Mondays.

  • Answer: go

  • He ___________ (read) a book every night before bed.

  • Answer: reads

  • The bus ___________ (arrive/arrives) at 8 o'clock every morning.

  • Answer: arrives

  • I _______ (go) to school every day.

  • Answer: go

  • She _______ (read/reads) a book every evening.

  • Answer: reads

  • They usually _______ (watch/watches) movies on weekends.

  • Answer: watch

  • My brother and I _______ (play/plays) soccer in the park.

  • Answer: play

  • The sun _______ (rise) in the east.

  • Answer: rises

  • Sarah _______ (like/likes) to swim in the ocean.

  • Answer: likes

  • We _______ (study/studies) Spanish at school.

  • Answer: study

  • Cats _______ (meow/meows) when they want attention.

  • Answer: meow

  • He _______ (work) as a doctor at the hospital.

  • Answer: works

  • The train _______ (arrive/arrives) at 6 p.m.

  • Answer: arrives

Present Continuous Tense

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in the present continuous tense:

  • She _______ (read) a book right now.

  • Answer: is reading

  • They _______ (play/playing) soccer in the park at the moment.

  • Answer: are playing

  • We _______ (watch) a movie tonight.

  • Answer: are watching

  • He _______ (study/studying) for his exams this week.

  • Answer: is studying

  • I _______ (eat) dinner with my family right now.

  • Answer: am eating

  • The kids _______ (play/playing) in the garden at the moment.

  • Answer: are playing

  • They _______ (travel) to Europe next month.

  • Answer: are traveling

  • The dog _______ (bark/barking) loudly in the backyard.

  • Answer: is barking

  • We _______ (paint) the living room this weekend.

  • Answer: are painting

  • My sister _______ (study/studying) for her final exam at the moment.

  • Answer: is studying

  • She _______ (play) tennis right now.

  • Answer: is playing

  • We _______ (not watch/aren't watching) television at the moment.

  • Answer: aren't watching

  • They _______ (study) for their exams this week.

  • Answer: are studying

  • I _______ (not eat/aren't eating) meat these days.

  • Answer: aren't eating

  • The children _______ (play) in the garden right now.

  • Answer: are playing

  • He _______ (not work/isn't working) on the project at the moment.

  • Answer: isn't working

  • I _______ (read) a book at the café.

  • Answer: am reading

  • They _______ (not swim/aren't swimming) in the pool today.

  • Answer: aren't swimming

  • The students _______ (write) their essays for the assignment.

  • Answer: are writing

  • We _______ (not travel/aren't travelling) to Europe this summer.

  • Answer: aren't travelling

Present Perfect Tense

  • She _______ (finish) her homework.

  • Answer: has finished

  • We _______ (not visit/haven't visited) that museum yet.

  • Answer: haven't visited

  • They _______ (travel) to many countries.

  • Answer: have traveled

  • He _______ (not eat/hasn't eaten) breakfast today.

  • Answer: hasn't eaten

  • The team _______ (win) the championship.

  • Answer: has won

  • She _______ (not read/hasn't read) the book yet.

  • Answer: hasn't read

  • We _______ (live) in this city for five years.

  • Answer: have lived

  • They _______ (not finish/haven't finished) their project.

  • Answer: haven't finished

  • I _______ (see) that movie before.

  • Answer: have seen

  • He _______ (not study/hasn't studied) for the exam yet.

  • Answer: hasn't studied

  • She _______ (finish) her homework.

  • Answer: has finished

  • We _______ (not visit/haven't visited) that museum yet.

  • Answer: haven't visited

  • They _______ (eat) at this restaurant before.

  • Answer: have eaten

  • He _______ (not see/hasn't seen) that movie.

  • Answer: hasn't seen

  • The company _______ (announce) the new product.

  • Answer: has announced

  • I _______ (not travel/haven't traveled) to Asia yet.

  • Answer: haven't traveled

  • We _______ (live) in this city for five years.

  • Answer: have lived

  • They _______ (not finish/haven't finished) their project.

  • Answer: haven't finished

  • I _______ (read) three books this month.

  • Answer: have read

  • She _______ (not buy/hasn't bought) a new car.

  • Answer: hasn't bought

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in the present perfect continuous tense:

  • She _______ (study) for three hours.

  • Answer: has been studying

  • We _______ (not play/haven't been playing) tennis recently.

  • Answer: haven't been playing

  • They _______ (wait) for you since morning.

  • Answer: have been waiting

  • He _______ (not work/hasn't been working) on that project for a long time.

  • Answer: hasn't been working

  • The children _______ (play) in the park all day.

  • Answer: have been playing

  • She _______ (not sleep/hasn't been sleeping) well lately.

  • Answer: hasn't been sleeping

  • We _______ (paint) the house for the past two weeks.

  • Answer: have been painting

  • They _______ (not practice/haven't been practicing) their musical instruments lately.

  • Answer: haven't been practicing

  • I _______ (work) on this project since morning.

  • Answer: have been working

  • She _______ (not exercise/hasn't been exercising) regularly.

  • Answer: hasn't been exercising

  • I _______ (study) for three hours.

  • Answer: have been studying

  • They _______ (not play/haven't been playing) basketball lately.

  • Answer: haven't been playing

  • She _______ (wait) for you since morning.

  • Answer: has been waiting

  • We _______ (not exercise/haven't been exercising) regularly.

  • Answer: haven't been exercising

  • He _______ (work) in the garden all day.

  • Answer: has been working

  • They _______ (not sleep/haven't been sleeping) well lately.

  • Answer: haven't been sleeping

  • I _______ (paint) the house for the past few weeks.

  • Answer: have been painting

  • She _______ (not practice/hasn't been practicing) the piano recently.

  • Answer: hasn't been practicing

  • They _______ (study) English since last year.

  • Answer: have been studying

  • He _______ (not run/hasn't been running) marathons lately.

  • Answer: hasn't been running

Simple Past Tense

  • Jane ________ (run) in the marathon yesterday.

  • Answer: ran

  • They ________ (visit) Paris last summer.

  • Answer: visited

  • We ________ (watch) a movie last night.

  • Answer: watched

  • He ________ (finish) his homework before dinner.

  • Answer: finished

  • The cat ________ (jump) off the table and landed on its feet.

  • Answer: jumped

  • I ________ (lose) my keys yesterday, but I found them later.

  • Answer: lost

  • She ________ (cook) a delicious meal for her family yesterday.

  • Answer: cooked

  • They ________ (play) soccer in the park on Saturday.

  • Answer: played

  • We ________ (go) to the beach last weekend.

  • Answer: went

  • The teacher ________ (give) us a test yesterday.

  • Answer: gave

  • She ___________ (study) English last night.

  • Answer: studied

  • They ___________ (go) to the beach yesterday.

  • Answer: went

  • He ___________ (watch) a movie with his friends on Saturday.

  • Answer: watched

  • We ___________ (eat) pizza for dinner last week.

  • Answer: ate

  • I ___________ (visit) my grandparents over the weekend.

  • Answer: visited

  • The cat ___________ (jump) off the table and ran away.

  • Answer: jumped

  • They ___________ (play) soccer in the park yesterday afternoon.

  • Answer: played

  • She ___________ (buy) a new car last month.

  • Answer: bought

  • We ___________ (have) a great time at the party last night.

  • Answer: had

  • He ___________ (write) a letter to his friend yesterday.

  • Answer: wrote

Past Continuous Tense 

  • She ___________ (study) when the phone rang.

  • Answer: was studying

  • They ___________ (play) football while it was raining.

  • Answer: were playing

  • He ___________ (watch) TV when I arrived at his house.

  • Answer: was watching

  • We ___________ (have) dinner at that time.

  • Answer: were having

  • They ___________ (dance) at the party when the music suddenly stopped.

  • Answer: were dancing

  • I ___________ (read) a book while waiting for the bus.

  • Answer: was reading

  • The kids ___________ (play) in the park when it started to get dark.

  • Answer: were playing

  • She ___________ (cook) dinner while her husband was watching TV.

  • Answer: was cooking

  • We ___________ (talk) on the phone when the storm began.

  • Answer: were talking

  • He ___________ (work) on his project late into the night.

  • Answer: was working

  • I ___________ (watch) TV when the phone rang.

  • Answer: was watching

  • They ___________ (play) basketball while it was raining.

  • Answer: were playing

  • She ___________ (read) a book when I entered the room.

  • Answer: was reading

  • We ___________ (have) dinner when the power went out.

  • Answer: were having

  • He ___________ (work) on his computer all morning yesterday.

  • Answer: was working

  • They ___________ (talk) to each other when I saw them.

  • Answer: were talking

  • The kids ___________ (play) in the park while their parents watched.

  • Answer: were playing

  • She ___________ (cook) dinner when the guests arrived.

  • Answer: was cooking

  • We ___________ (wait) for the bus when it started raining.

  • Answer: were waiting

  • The teacher ___________ (explain) the lesson while the students took notes.

  • Answer: was explaining

Past Perfect Tense

  • By the time I arrived, they ___________ (leave) the party.

  • Answer: had left

  • She ___________ (finish) her homework before she went to bed.

  • Answer: had finished

  • We ___________ (already eat) dinner when they arrived.

  • Answer: had already eaten

  • He ___________ (lose) his keys before he found them in his bag.

  • Answer: had lost

  • They ___________ (book) the tickets before the concert sold out.

  • Answer: had booked

  • I ___________ (not see) that movie before last night.

  • Answer: had not seen

  • The team ___________ (practice) for hours before the game started.

  • Answer: had practiced

  • By the time she woke up, he ___________ (already leave) for work.

  • Answer: had already left

  • We ___________ (not visit) that city before our vacation last year.

  • Answer: had not visited

  • The company ___________ (announce) the new product before the event began.

  • Answer: had announced

  • She ___________ (finish) her homework before she went to bed.

  • Answer: had finished

  • They ___________ (already leave) when we arrived at the party.

  • Answer: had already left

  • He ___________ (not eat) breakfast because he had already eaten.

  • Answer: had not eaten

  • We ___________ (book) the hotel room before we arrived at the destination.

  • Answer: had booked

  • The train ___________ (depart) by the time we reached the station.

  • Answer: had departed

  • They ___________ (not start) the movie when I arrived at the cinema.

  • Answer: had not started

  • She ___________ (visit) several countries before she settled down.

  • Answer: had visited

  • I ___________ (lose) my keys, but fortunately, I had a spare.

  • Answer: had lost

  • We ___________ (already finish) dinner when they arrived at the restaurant.

  • Answer: had already finished

  • The team ___________ (practice) for weeks before the big game.

  • Answer: had practised

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

  • She ___________ (study) for three hours before she took a break.

  • Answer: had been studying

  • They ___________ (play) tennis for two hours before it started raining.

  • Answer: had been playing

  • He ___________ (work) in the garden all day before he got tired.

  • Answer: had been working

  • We ___________ (wait) at the airport for three hours before our flight was announced.

  • Answer: had been waiting

  • She ___________ (exercise) at the gym for a while before she injured her knee.

  • Answer: had been exercising

  • They ___________ (practice) their lines for the play before the director arrived.

  • Answer: had been practicing

  • I ___________ (read) the book for two weeks before I finished it.

  • Answer: had been reading

  • We ___________ (cook) dinner for our guests before they canceled their plans.

  • Answer: had been cooking

  • He ___________ (study) French for six months before he went to Paris.

  • Answer: had been studying

  • The team ___________ (train) hard for months before they won the championship.

  • Answer: had been training.

  • She ___________ (study) for three hours before she took a break.

  • Answer: had been studying

  • They ___________ (work) in the garden all morning before it started raining.

  • Answer: had been working

  • He ___________ (wait) at the bus stop for over an hour when the bus finally arrived.

  • Answer: had been waiting

  • We ___________ (play) tennis for two hours before it got dark.

  • Answer: had been playing

  • The children ___________ (practice) the piano for weeks before the recital.

  • Answer: had been practicing

  • They ___________ (travel) around Europe for months before they ran out of money.

  • Answer: had been traveling

  • She ___________ (study) English for a year before she moved to an English-speaking country.

  • Answer: had been studying

  • I ___________ (work) on the project all day before I realized I made a mistake.

  • Answer: had been working

  • We ___________ (wait) in line for hours before the store opened.

  • Answer: had been waiting

  • The chef ___________ (cook) in the kitchen all evening before the dinner service started.

  • Answer: had been cooking

Simple Future Tense 

  • Complete the sentence with the correct future tense form of the verb: "I _______________ to the beach tomorrow."

  • Answer: will go

  • Choose the correct future tense form of the verb to complete the sentence: "She _______________ her homework later."

a) will do

b) does

c) did

  • Answer: a) will do

  • Fill in the blank with the appropriate future tense form: "They _______________ a party next weekend."

  • Answer: will have

  • Which sentence uses the correct future tense form of the verb?

a) "I go to the movies yesterday."

b) "I will go to the movies later."

c) "I am going to the movies now."

  • Answer: b) "I will go to the movies later."

  • Choose the correct future tense form of the verb to complete the sentence: "We _______________ our vacation next month."

a) go

b) are going

c) will go

  • Answer: c) will go

  • Fill in the blank with the appropriate future tense form: "He _______________ a new car next year."

  • Answer: will buy

  • Which sentence uses the correct future tense form of the verb?

a) "They will visit their grandparents last week."

b) "They are visiting their grandparents now."

c) "They will visit their grandparents next week."

  • Answer: c) "They will visit their grandparents next week."

  • Complete the sentence with the correct future tense form of the verb: "My parents _______________ a new house soon."

  • Answer: will buy

  • Choose the correct future tense form of the verb to complete the sentence: "I _______________ my graduation ceremony next week."

a) attends

b) will attend

c) attended

  • Answer: b) will attend

  • Fill in the blank with the appropriate future tense form: "We _________ a trip around the world someday."

  • Answer: will take

  • Complete the sentence with the correct simple future tense verb form: "She _______ her new book tomorrow."

  • Answer: will publish

  • Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: "We _______ our vacation next month."

  • Answer: will take

  • Fill in the blank with the appropriate future tense verb: "They _______ to the party if they have time."

  • Answer: will come

  • Select the correct future tense form of the verb to complete the sentence: "I think she _______ for the job."

  • Answer: will apply

  • Complete the sentence with the appropriate simple future tense verb: "I promise I _______ you later."

  • Answer: will call

Future Continuous Tense 

  • Fill in the blank with the correct form of the future continuous tense: "At 9 PM tomorrow, I _______ dinner with my family."

  • Answer: will be having

  • Choose the appropriate future continuous tense verb form to complete the sentence: "She _______ her presentation all morning."

  • Answer: will be working

  • Complete the sentence with the correct form of the future continuous tense: "This time next week, they _______ on a beach in Hawaii."

  • Answer: will be lounging

  • Fill in the blank with the appropriate future continuous tense verb: "By the time you arrive, I _______ for six hours straight."

  • Answer: will have been studying

  • Choose the correct form of the future continuous tense to complete the sentence: "He _______ his guitar at the concert next Saturday."

  • Answer: will be playing

  • Feel free to let me know if you need further assistance or more questions!

  • Fill in the blank with the correct future continuous tense form of the verb: "This time tomorrow, she _______ on her way to the airport."

  • Answer: will be

  • Choose the appropriate future continuous tense form of the verb to complete the sentence: "At 6 PM tonight, I _______ dinner with my friends."

  • Answer: will be having

  • Complete the sentence with the correct future continuous tense verb form: "By the time they arrive, we _______ for several hours."

  • Answer: will have been waiting

  • Fill in the blank with the appropriate future continuous tense form of the verb: "Tomorrow at this time, they _______ their presentation."

  • Answer: will be delivering

  • Choose the correct future continuous tense form of the verb to complete the sentence: "At 9 PM tonight, he _______ his favorite TV show."

  • Answer: will be watching.

Future Perfect Tense

  • Fill in the blank with the correct future perfect tense form of the verb: "By next year, she _______ her degree."

  • Answer: will have completed

  • Choose the appropriate future perfect tense form of the verb to complete the sentence: "By the time we arrive, they _______ the party."

  • Answer: will have left

  • Complete the sentence with the correct future perfect tense verb form: "In two hours, he _______ his homework."

  • Answer: will have finished

  • Fill in the blank with the appropriate future perfect tense form of the verb: "By the end of this month, they _______ the project."

  • Answer: will have completed

  • Choose the correct future perfect tense form of the verb to complete the sentence: "By tomorrow morning, she _______ her book."

  • Answer: will have written

  • Fill in the blank with the correct future perfect tense form of the verb: "By the time she arrives, I _______ my homework."

  • Answer: will have finished

  • Choose the appropriate future perfect tense form of the verb to complete the sentence: "By next year, they _______ married for 10 years."

  • Answer: will have been

  • Complete the sentence with the correct future perfect tense verb form: "In two hours, she _______ all the packing."

  • Answer: will have completed

  • Fill in the blank with the appropriate future perfect tense form of the verb: "By the end of the week, we _______ the project."

  • Answer: will have completed

  • Choose the correct future perfect tense form of the verb to complete the sentence: "By the time you arrive, I _______ the preparations for the party."

  • Answer: will have finished

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

  • Fill in the blank with the correct future perfect continuous tense form of the verb: "By this time next month, he _______ for five years."

  • Answer: will have been working

  • Choose the appropriate future perfect continuous tense form of the verb to complete the sentence: "By the end of the day, she _______ on her project for eight hours straight."

  • Answer: will have been working

  • Complete the sentence with the correct future perfect continuous tense verb form: "In two weeks, they _______ in this city for a whole year."

  • Answer: will have been living

  • Fill in the blank with the appropriate future perfect continuous tense form of the verb: "By the time you arrive, I _______ for hours."

  • Answer: will have been waiting

  • Choose the correct future perfect continuous tense form of the verb to complete the sentence: "By the end of the week, he _______ on his research paper for three months."

  • Answer: will have been working.

  • Fill in the blank with the correct future perfect continuous tense form of the verb: "By the time they arrive, we _______ for six hours."

  • Answer: will have been waiting

  • Choose the appropriate future perfect continuous tense form of the verb to complete the sentence: "By next month, she _______ for 10 years."

  • Answer: will have been working

  • Complete the sentence with the correct future perfect continuous tense verb form: "By the end of the day, they _______ the marathon for six hours."

  • Answer: will have been running

  • Fill in the blank with the appropriate future perfect continuous tense form of the verb: "By tomorrow, he _______ at the gym for two hours."

  • Answer: will have been exercising

  • Choose the correct future perfect continuous tense form of the verb to complete the sentence: "By the time you arrive, I _______ on this project all day."

  • Answer: will have been working

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