
Digital and Cashless Transactions in the Indian Economy:


India is a cash-based economy. In 2016, cash accounted for 87% of all payments in the country. However, in recent years, there has been a growing trend towards digital payments. This is due to a number of factors, including the increasing availability of smartphones and internet connectivity, the government's push for a cashless economy, and the growing popularity of mobile wallets and other digital payment platforms.

The Rise of Digital Payments

The rise of digital payments has had a number of benefits for the Indian economy. First, it has made it easier for people to make payments, especially in rural areas where access to banks and ATMs is limited. Second, it has helped to reduce the cost of cash handling and processing. Third, it has increased transparency and accountability in the financial system.

The Impact of Digital Payments on the Indian Economy

The impact of digital payments on the Indian economy has been significant. In 2016, the value of digital payments in India was $1.3 trillion. By 2022, it is expected to reach $5 trillion. This growth is expected to have a number of positive effects on the economy, including:

  • Increased economic activity: Digital payments can help to increase economic activity by making it easier for businesses to accept payments and for consumers to make purchases.

  • Increased financial inclusion: Digital payments can help to increase financial inclusion by making it easier for people to access financial services, even if they do not have a bank account.

  • Reduced fraud: Digital payments can help to reduce fraud by making it more difficult for criminals to counterfeit currency or steal money from people's accounts.

Challenges to the Growth of Digital Payments

While there are many benefits to digital payments, there are also some challenges that need to be addressed in order to ensure their continued growth. These challenges include:

  • Lack of awareness: Many people in India are still not aware of the benefits of digital payments.

  • Lack of infrastructure: In some parts of India, the infrastructure for digital payments is not yet in place.

  • Security concerns: Some people are concerned about the security of their data when they make digital payments.


The growth of digital payments in India is a positive development for the economy. However, there are still some challenges that need to be addressed in order to ensure its continued growth. With the right policies and infrastructure in place, digital payments can help to make India a more prosperous and inclusive society.


To further promote the growth of digital payments in India, the following recommendations are made:

  • The government should continue to promote digital payments through awareness campaigns and financial literacy programs.

  • The government should invest in infrastructure for digital payments, such as PoS machines and internet connectivity.

  • The government should work with banks and other financial institutions to ensure that the security of digital payments is maintained.

By addressing these challenges, India can continue to reap the benefits of digital payments and become a more cashless society.