
How the Dog Found Himself a New Master


PART : I 👇👇👇


PArt: II 👇👇👇


Comprehension Check: 1

  1. What was the dog's original way of life? 

  • Freedom.

  1. What did the dog decide to do to improve his life? 

  • Find a stronger master.

  1. Who was the first master the dog met? 

  • A wolf.

  1. What happened when the dog and the wolf met a bear?

  • The wolf ran away.

  1. Who was the dog's second master? 

  • A bbear.

  1. What happened when the dog and the bear met a lion? 

  • The bear ran away.

  1. Who was the dog's third master? 

  • A lion.

  1. What happened when the dog and the lion met a man?

  • The lion ran away.

  1. Who is the dog's current master? 

  • A man.

  1. What is the dog's most important quality? 

  • Loyalty.

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