


  • Acquire - To gain or obtain knowledge, skills, or possessions.

  • Ambiguous - Having more than one possible meaning or interpretation.

  • Analyze - To examine or study something in detail.

  • Application - The act of putting something into operation or use.

  • Articulate - To express thoughts or ideas clearly and coherently.

  • Bias - A preference or inclination, often unfair, that influences judgment.

  • Comprehend - To understand or grasp the meaning of something.

  • Connotation - An idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.

  • Contradict - To assert the opposite or deny the truth of a statement.

  • Correlate - To establish a connection or relationship between two or more things.

  • Deduce - To reach a conclusion based on reasoning or evidence.

  • Depict - To represent or describe something in words or images.

  • Distinguish - To recognize or identify the differences between things.

  • Elaborate - To add more detail, often in order to explain or clarify something.

  • Empirical - Based on observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.

  • Enhance - To improve or increase the quality, value, or extent of something.

  • Evaluate - To assess or judge the quality, importance, or value of something.

  • Exemplify - To serve as a typical or representative example of something.

  • Hypothesis - A proposed explanation or theory that is yet to be tested or proven.

  • Illustrate - To provide examples, evidence, or a visual representation to make something clearer.

  • Inference - A conclusion reached based on evidence and reasoning.

  • Integrate - To combine or incorporate separate elements into a unified whole.

  • Interpret - To explain the meaning or significance of something.

  • Justify - To provide reasons or evidence in support of an action, belief, or decision.

  • Paradigm - A typical example or model of something.

  • Plausible - Seemingly reasonable or likely, but not necessarily true or accurate.

  • Precise - Exact, accurate, or clearly defined in terms of meaning or scope.

  • Proponent - A person who supports or advocates for a particular idea or cause.

  • Refute - To prove a statement or theory to be false or incorrect.

  • Relevant - Closely connected or applicable to the matter at hand.

  • Replicate - To duplicate or reproduce something.

  • Resemble - To be similar or bear a likeness to something or someone.

  • Revise - To amend, alter, or modify something, especially written material.

  • Skeptical - Having or showing doubt or questioning attitude towards something.

  • Subsequent - Following in order or succession; coming after something else.

  • Synthesize - To combine different elements or ideas to form a coherent whole.

  • Undermine - To weaken or diminish the effectiveness, power, or authority of something.

  • Verify - To confirm or establish the truth or accuracy of something.

  • Versatile - Able to adapt or be used for various purposes or in various ways.

  • Vigorous - Strong, energetic, or forceful in nature.

  • Viable - Capable of working successfully or being implemented effectively.

  • Widespread - Existing or happening over a large area or among many people.

  • Yield - To produce or provide a result, effect, or outcome.

  • Zeal - Enthusiasm, passion, or fervor for something.

  • Diverse - Showing a great deal of variety or difference.

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