



  1. Launch date: July 14, 2023.

  2. Landed Date and Time: 23.08.2023 at 18.04 Minutes.

  3. Launch vehicle: GSLV Mk III

  4. Launch site: Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh, India

  5. Orbit: Lunar orbit

  6. Lander: Vikram

  7. Rover: Pragyaan

  8. Destination: South Pole of the Moon

  9. Objectives:

    • Soft landing on the Moon's south pole

    • Deploy the Pragyaan rover to conduct in-situ scientific experiments

    • Study the Moon's geology, mineralogy, and atmosphere

    • Search for water ice on the Moon

  10. Budget: ₹615 crore (US$83 million)

  11. Status: Landed Safely on 23.08.2023.

  12. Success criteria:

    • Successful launch and insertion into lunar orbit

    • Soft landing on the Moon's south pole

    • Deployment of the Pragyaan rover

    • Conducting of in-situ scientific experiments

  13. Significance:

    • Chandrayaan-3 is India's third lunar mission

    • It will be the first spacecraft to soft land on the Moon's south pole

    • It will conduct important scientific experiments on the Moon

    • It will help India to become a leading spacefaring nation.

This is a telecast from ISRO's official website.

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