

Greetings to all Telugu people on the occasion of Telugu Language Day. Under the leadership of the HEAD MASTER, all the Telugu scholars organized this Telugu Language Day in a wonderful way at Sri Bandi Mutyalamma Zilla Parishad High School Mutyalapalli with costumes like Telugu Talli, Nannaya, Tikkana, Errana, inspiring the success of Bhuvana with poems, oratory competitions, dances and elocutions. A summary of the speakers' expression in the assembly premises is as follows. 

Gidugu Ramamurthy Garu is one of the greatest contributors of Telugu literature and culture. To show him our sincerest gratitude, respect and tribute, we should do the following.

  • Learn about Sri Gidugu Rammurthy's life and work. Read his books, articles, and poems. Visit the Gidugu Ramamurthy's Museum in Ongole.

  • Promote the use of Telugu language. Speak Telugu at home and in public. Encourage your friends and family to learn Telugu.

  • Support Telugu cultural organizations. Attend Telugu language classes, cultural events, and conferences. Donate to Telugu language and cultural organizations.

  • Volunteer your time to Telugu language and cultural organizations. Help with teaching Telugu classes, organizing cultural events, or translating Telugu literature into other languages.

  • Be a role model for others. Speak Telugu with pride and respect. Encourage others to learn and use Telugu.

    • Write a letter to the Gidugu Ramamurthy  Museum expressing your appreciation for his work.

    • Create a blog post or social media post about Gidugu Ramamurthy Garu and his contributions to Telugu language and culture.

  • Donate to a scholarship fund in Gidugu Ramamurthy Garu's name.

  • Start a Telugu language learning group or club in your community.

  • Volunteer your time to teach Telugu to children or adults.

Salutations to all the great people who have worked for the development of Telugu culture and language.

Jai Hind.

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