
Active Voice and Passive Voice Test 46


  1. Which of the following sentences is in the active voice?

  • (A) The letter was written by John. 

  • (B) John wrote the letter. 

  • (C) The letter is being written. 

  • (D) The letter will be written.

  1. Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice?

  • (A) The dog chased the cat. 

  • (B) The cat was chased by the dog. 

  • (C) The cat is chasing the dog. 

  • (D) The dog and cat are playing.

  1. What is the passive voice of the following sentence?

Active: The teacher corrected the student's essay.

  • (A) The student's essay was corrected by the teacher. 

  • (B) The teacher is correcting the student's essay. 

  • (C) The student's essay has been corrected by the teacher. 

  • (D) All of the above.

  1. What is the active voice of the following sentence?

Passive: The report was written by the team.

  • (A) The team wrote the report. 

  • (B) The report was being written by the team. 

  • (C) The report will be written by the team. 

  • (D) All of the above.

  1. Which of the following sentences is more concise and direct?

  • (A) The letter was written by the secretary. 

  • (B) The secretary wrote the letter.

  1. Which of the following sentences is more formal and objective?

  • (A) The mistake was made by the employee. 

  • (B) The employee made the mistake.

  1. Which of the following sentences is more appropriate for a news article?

  • (A) The suspect was arrested by the police. 

  • (B) The police arrested the suspect.

  1. Which of the following sentences is more appropriate for a business proposal?

  • (A) The report will be completed by the team by the end of the week. 

  • (B) The team will complete the report by the end of the week.

  1. Which of the following sentences is more appropriate for a scientific paper?

  • (A) The experiment was conducted by the researchers. 

  • (B) The researchers conducted the experiment.

  1. Which of the following sentences is more appropriate for a creative writing piece?

  • (A) The ball was thrown by the boy. 

  • (B) The boy threw the ball.

1. (B) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (A) 5. (B) 6. (A) 7. (B) 8. (B) 9. (B) 10. (B)

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