
Student's Role in Making the Indian Republic a Better Place


Students between 6th and 10th grade, despite their young age, can play a significant role in making the Indian Republic a better place. Here are some ways they can contribute, both big and small:

Building civic consciousness:

  • Learn about the Constitution and democracy: Understanding the core values and principles of the Indian Constitution will help them become responsible citizens. Organize group discussions, quizzes, or debates on key rights and duties.

  • Participate in mock elections: Simulate elections within their school or community, letting them experience the democratic process firsthand. This can cultivate an understanding of voting and civic engagement.

  • Celebrate national holidays: Organize cultural programs, flash mobs, or art exhibitions on Republic Day and Independence Day. These activities foster patriotism and national pride.

Promoting social well-being:

  • Volunteer in their community: Participate in cleanliness drives, tree-planting initiatives, or volunteering at local NGOs. This helps develop empathy and a sense of community responsibility.

  • Raise awareness about social issues: Organize campaigns focusing on topics like gender equality, disability rights, or environmental protection. This can spark change and empower others.

  • Start a student-led community project: Identify a local issue, like lack of access to clean water or education, and collaborate with classmates and teachers to find solutions. This teaches leadership and problem-solving skills.

Personal development and education:

  • Become responsible digital citizens: Learn about cyber safety, responsible online behavior, and critical thinking skills to navigate the digital world constructively.

  • Explore new skills and interests: Develop talents in art, music, sports, or technology. These pursuits can foster creativity, confidence, and well-being.

  • Embrace diversity and respect individual differences: Engage in cross-cultural exchanges, learn about different traditions and religions, and promote unity and acceptance.

Remember, even small actions can have a ripple effect. 

Adverbial Clauses



1. What is the function of an adverbial clause?

a) Modify a noun
b) Modify a verb
c) Modify an adjective
d) Modify an adverb

Answer: b) Modify a verb

2. Which of the following is an adverbial clause indicating time?

a) Because
b) Although
c) When
d) Since

Answer: c) When

3. Identify the adverbial clause in the sentence: "Although it was raining, we went for a walk."

a) Although it was raining
b) We went for a walk
c) It was raining
d) For a walk

Answer: a) Although it was raining

4. What does the adverbial clause in "He works hard so that he can succeed" express?

a) Cause
b) Purpose
c) Contrast
d) Condition

Answer: b) Purpose

5. Choose the correct adverbial clause in the sentence: "I will study unless you come back."

a) I will study
b) Unless you come back
c) You come back
d) Come back

Answer: b) Unless you come back

6. Identify the type of adverbial clause in the sentence: "She sings as if she were an angel."

a) Time
b) Comparison
c) Condition
d) Cause

Answer: b) Comparison

7. What type of adverbial clause is present in the sentence: "He ran faster than I expected."

a) Time
b) Comparison
c) Condition
d) Cause

Answer: d) Cause

8. Which conjunction is commonly used to introduce a concession adverbial clause?

a) While
b) Although
c) Because
d) Since

Answer: b) Although

9. In the sentence, "I will help you provided that you ask nicely," what type of adverbial clause is "provided that you ask nicely"?

a) Condition
b) Purpose
c) Contrast
d) Time

Answer: a) Condition

10. Choose the correct adverbial clause in the sentence: "I can't go out because it is raining."

a) I can't go out
b) It is raining
c) Because it is raining
d) Go out

Answer: c) Because it is raining

11. What type of adverbial clause is present in the sentence: "She will come if you invite her."

a) Condition
b) Time
c) Cause
d) Purpose

Answer: a) Condition

12. Identify the adverbial clause in the sentence: "Before you leave, please turn off the lights."

a) Before you leave
b) Please turn off
c) The lights
d) Before

Answer: a) Before you leave

13. What type of adverbial clause is present in the sentence: "I'll call you as soon as I get home."

a) Cause
b) Time
c) Condition
d) Purpose

Answer: b) Time

14. Which of the following introduces a consequence adverbial clause?

a) So
b) Although
c) Because
d) When

Answer: a) So

15. Identify the adverbial clause in the sentence: "Even though he studied hard, he didn't pass the exam."

a) He studied hard
b) He didn't pass the exam
c) Even though he studied hard
d) The exam

Answer: c) Even though he studied hard.

Words Often Confused: 4 TOEFL JUNIOR


1. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

She had a (compliment/complement) of bright colors in her wardrobe.

  • a) compliment (praise) 

  • b) complement (make something whole or complete)

2. Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence:

The books are on the shelf, where (there/their/they're) supposed to be.

  • a) there (location) 

  • b) their (possessive) 

  • c) they're (contraction of "they are")

3. Choose the correct pronoun to complete the question:

(Who/Whom) did you give the flowers to?

  • a) who (subject) 

  • b) whom (object)

4. Choose the correct contraction to complete the sentence:

It's raining, (its/it's) better to stay inside.

  • a) its (possessive pronoun) 

  • b) it's (contraction of "it is")

5. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

Hold her **(loose/lose)**ly if you don't want to hurt her.

  • a) loose (not fitting tightly) 

  • b) lose (misplace or fail to gain)

6. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

She arrived (than/then) he expected.

  • a) than (conjunction expressing comparison) 

  • b) then (adverb of time)

7. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence:

He (lay/lie) down on the beach to soak up the sun.

  • a) lay (past tense of "to place") 

  • b) lie (present tense of "to rest")

8. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

He has an (adverse/averse) reaction to shellfish.

  • a) adverse (unfavorable) 

  • b) averse (disinclined or opposed)

9. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

You need to (ensure/insure/assure) the safety of the children.

  • a) ensure (make sure something happens) 

  • b) insure (protect against financial loss) 

  • c) assure (convince someone something is true)

10. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The police tried to (elicit/illicit) information from the suspect.

  • a) elicit (draw out information) 

  • b) illicit (forbidden or unlawful)

11. Choose the correct word to describe distance:

He went (further/farther) than they expected.

  • a) further (figurative or abstract distance) 

  • b) farther (physical distance)

12. Choose the correct word for writing materials:

The shop sells art supplies and (stationary/stationery).

  • a) stationary (not moving) 

  • b) stationery (writing materials)

13. Choose the correct word for continuous action:

The rain fell **(continual/continuous)**ly for days.

  • a) continual (repeated often) 

  • b) continuous (without interruption)

14. Choose the correct word for cutting or dividing:

He (separated/severed) the ties with his former employer.

  • a) separated (divided into parts) 

  • b) severed (completely cut off)

15. Choose the correct word for a guiding rule or belief:

He based his decision on the (principal/principle) of honesty.

  • a) principal (head of a school) 

  • b) principle (fundamental rule or belief)

16. Choose the correct word for a choice between two options:

(Whether/Wherever) you go, I will support you.

  • a) whether 

  • b) Wherever.

1. Answer: b) complement (describes how the colors work together) 2. Answer: a) there (indicates location) 3. Answer: a) who (subject of the verb "give") 4. Answer: b) it's (contraction showing ownership) 5. Answer: a) loose (describes how to hold her) 6. Answer: b) then (indicates the sequence of events) 7. Answer: b) lie (describes his current action) 8. Answer: b) averse (describes his dislike)  9. Answer: a) ensure (emphasizes making sure of safety) 10. Answer: a) elicit (describes the action of getting information) 11. Answer: a) further (implies exceeding expectations) 12. Answer: b) stationery (refers to specific products) 13. Answer: b) continuous (describes the nature of the rain) 14. Answer: b) severed (implies a strong and final break) 15. Answer: b) principle (describes the underlying reason) 16. Answer: b) Wherever..