
Words Often Confused: 4 TOEFL JUNIOR


1. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

She had a (compliment/complement) of bright colors in her wardrobe.

  • a) compliment (praise) 

  • b) complement (make something whole or complete)

2. Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence:

The books are on the shelf, where (there/their/they're) supposed to be.

  • a) there (location) 

  • b) their (possessive) 

  • c) they're (contraction of "they are")

3. Choose the correct pronoun to complete the question:

(Who/Whom) did you give the flowers to?

  • a) who (subject) 

  • b) whom (object)

4. Choose the correct contraction to complete the sentence:

It's raining, (its/it's) better to stay inside.

  • a) its (possessive pronoun) 

  • b) it's (contraction of "it is")

5. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

Hold her **(loose/lose)**ly if you don't want to hurt her.

  • a) loose (not fitting tightly) 

  • b) lose (misplace or fail to gain)

6. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

She arrived (than/then) he expected.

  • a) than (conjunction expressing comparison) 

  • b) then (adverb of time)

7. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence:

He (lay/lie) down on the beach to soak up the sun.

  • a) lay (past tense of "to place") 

  • b) lie (present tense of "to rest")

8. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

He has an (adverse/averse) reaction to shellfish.

  • a) adverse (unfavorable) 

  • b) averse (disinclined or opposed)

9. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

You need to (ensure/insure/assure) the safety of the children.

  • a) ensure (make sure something happens) 

  • b) insure (protect against financial loss) 

  • c) assure (convince someone something is true)

10. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The police tried to (elicit/illicit) information from the suspect.

  • a) elicit (draw out information) 

  • b) illicit (forbidden or unlawful)

11. Choose the correct word to describe distance:

He went (further/farther) than they expected.

  • a) further (figurative or abstract distance) 

  • b) farther (physical distance)

12. Choose the correct word for writing materials:

The shop sells art supplies and (stationary/stationery).

  • a) stationary (not moving) 

  • b) stationery (writing materials)

13. Choose the correct word for continuous action:

The rain fell **(continual/continuous)**ly for days.

  • a) continual (repeated often) 

  • b) continuous (without interruption)

14. Choose the correct word for cutting or dividing:

He (separated/severed) the ties with his former employer.

  • a) separated (divided into parts) 

  • b) severed (completely cut off)

15. Choose the correct word for a guiding rule or belief:

He based his decision on the (principal/principle) of honesty.

  • a) principal (head of a school) 

  • b) principle (fundamental rule or belief)

16. Choose the correct word for a choice between two options:

(Whether/Wherever) you go, I will support you.

  • a) whether 

  • b) Wherever.

1. Answer: b) complement (describes how the colors work together) 2. Answer: a) there (indicates location) 3. Answer: a) who (subject of the verb "give") 4. Answer: b) it's (contraction showing ownership) 5. Answer: a) loose (describes how to hold her) 6. Answer: b) then (indicates the sequence of events) 7. Answer: b) lie (describes his current action) 8. Answer: b) averse (describes his dislike)  9. Answer: a) ensure (emphasizes making sure of safety) 10. Answer: a) elicit (describes the action of getting information) 11. Answer: a) further (implies exceeding expectations) 12. Answer: b) stationery (refers to specific products) 13. Answer: b) continuous (describes the nature of the rain) 14. Answer: b) severed (implies a strong and final break) 15. Answer: b) principle (describes the underlying reason) 16. Answer: b) Wherever..

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