
Reflexive Pronouns


Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive pronouns are pronouns that refer back to the subject of the sentence and are used to indicate that someone or something performs an action on itself. Examples include "myself," "yourself," "himself," "herself," "itself," "ourselves," "yourselves," and "themselves." For instance, in the sentence "She taught herself how to play the guitar," "herself" is a reflexive pronoun referring back to "she," indicating that she performed the action on herself.

  1. Usage: Reflexive pronouns are used when the subject and the object of a sentence refer to the same entity, emphasizing the action is performed by the subject on itself.

  2. Formation: Reflexive pronouns are formed by adding "-self" (singular) or "-selves" (plural) to the pronouns: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

  3. Examples:

    • I cut myself while cooking dinner.

    • He talks to himself when he's nervous.

    • She found herself lost in the forest.

    • The cat cleaned itself after playing outside.

    • We need to remind ourselves to buy groceries.

    • You should be proud of yourselves for completing the project.

    • They congratulated themselves on their achievement.

  4. Placement: Reflexive pronouns usually come directly after the subject or after an object pronoun, if one exists. For example:

    • She washed herself. (Reflexive pronoun after the subject)

    • They congratulated themselves. (Reflexive pronoun without an object pronoun)

    • He reminded himself of the meeting. (Reflexive pronoun after an object pronoun)

  5. Intensive Pronouns: Reflexive pronouns can also function as intensive pronouns to add emphasis to a noun or pronoun in the sentence. In this case, they are not essential to the sentence's meaning. For example:

    • She herself saw the accident. (Intensive pronoun emphasizing "she")

    • We ourselves completed the entire project. (Intensive pronoun emphasizing "we")

Remember, reflexive pronouns are used to show that the action of the verb reflects back onto the subject itself. 

Check Your Understanding

Reflexive Pronouns Test: 1

  1. Which sentence uses a reflexive pronoun correctly?

  • A) She gave myself a gift.

  • B) He bought herself a new phone.

  • C) They enjoyed theirselves at the party.

  • D) We need to remind ourselves to call Grandma.

  1. Identify the sentence with the correct reflexive pronoun usage:

  • A) He made the cake by himself.

  • B) She bought a new dress for himselves.

  • C) They cooked dinner by theirselves.

  • D) I cleaned the room for yourself.

  1. Choose the sentence that does NOT use a reflexive pronoun correctly:

  • A) The cat cleaned itself.

  • B) She hurted herself while skating.

  • C) They painted the house by themselves.

  • D) He talked to himself in the mirror.

  1. Which sentence contains an error in the use of reflexive pronouns?

  • A) They congratulated themselves on their success.

  • B) He talks to him in the mirror.

  • C) She cooked dinner by herself.

  • D) We enjoyed ourselves at the concert.

  1. Select the sentence with the correct reflexive pronoun placement:

  • A) She prepared by herself for the exam.

  • B) They finished the project by themselves.

  • C) We need to remind to ourselves about the meeting.

  • D) He bought a gift for hisself.

  1. Which sentence demonstrates the appropriate use of a reflexive pronoun?

  • A) We saw they at the store.

  • B) She prepared the presentation by she.

  • C) He corrected himself after making a mistake.

  • D) They went to the party by them.

  1. Identify the sentence with the incorrect reflexive pronoun usage:

  • A) She baked the cake by herself.

  • B) They celebrated theirselves at the festival.

  • C) He repaired the car by himself.

  • D) We enjoyed ourselves at the beach.

  1. Which sentence contains the correct reflexive pronoun placement?

  • A) He completed the task by himself.

  • B) They decided to go theirselves.

  • C) She prepared the meal for her.

  • D) We enjoyed the movie by ourselves.

  1. Choose the sentence where the reflexive pronoun is used correctly:

  • A) She took the blame for himself.

  • B) They fixed the problem by themselves.

  • C) We found the solution for ourselves.

  • D) He bought a gift for herself.

  1. Which sentence demonstrates the correct use of a reflexive pronoun?

  • A) She saw himself in the mirror.

  • B) They laughed at theirselves.

  • C) We painted the walls by ourselves.D

  • D) He talked to herself quietly.

1. Answer: D) We need to remind ourselves to call Grandma. 2. Answer: A) He made the cake by himself. 3. Answer: B) She hurted herself while skating. 4. Answer: B) He talks to him in the mirror. 5. Answer: B) They finished the project by themselves. 6. Answer: C) He corrected himself after making a mistake. 7. Answer: B) They celebrated theirselves at the festival. 8. Answer: A) He completed the task by himself. 9. Answer: B) They fixed the problem by themselves. 10. Answer: C) We painted the walls by ourselves.

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