
All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Listen to the Story, then Read & Answer. 


Once upon a time, in a bustling kingdom, there lived a humble cobbler named Thomas. Despite his meager earnings, Thomas was content with his simple life. One day, a wealthy merchant passed through the town, adorned in lavish attire and carrying bags of gold. Seeing the merchant's opulence, Thomas couldn't help but feel envious.

Determined to attain wealth and luxury, Thomas abandoned his cobbler's shop and set off on a journey in search of riches. Along the way, he encountered many opportunities that seemed promising, but each time he was disappointed. He worked for greedy merchants who exploited him, invested in schemes that failed, and even gambled away what little money he had left.

Exhausted and penniless, Thomas eventually returned to his hometown, realizing that true wealth was not found in material possessions but in the simple joys of life—like the warmth of friendship, the satisfaction of honest work, and the love of family.

From then on, Thomas embraced his role as a cobbler with gratitude, cherishing the lessons he had learned. And though he may not have possessed gold, his heart was richer for having discovered the true treasures of life.


  1. What motivated Thomas to leave his cobbler's shop and search for wealth?

  • A) His desire to explore new places

  • B) Envy of the wealthy merchant's lifestyle

  • C) Boredom with his current job

  • D) A dream he had about finding treasure

  1. What did Thomas learn during his journey for wealth?

  • A) Material possessions bring lasting happiness

  • B) True wealth lies in honest work and simple joys

  • C) Gambling is a reliable way to earn money

  • D) Greed is the key to success

  1. Why did Thomas return to his hometown empty-handed?

  • A) He found the treasure he was seeking

  • B) He realized the futility of his pursuit of wealth

  • C) He lost all his money in a failed investment

  • D) He decided to start a new business

  1. What were the true treasures that Thomas discovered?

  • A) Gold and jewels

  • B) Friendship, honest work, and family love

  • C) Expensive possessions

  • D) Fame and recognition

  1. What lesson can be learned from Thomas's story?

  • A) Material wealth is the only measure of success

  • B) True happiness comes from within, not from external riches

  • C) It's important to always pursue wealth, regardless of the cost

  • D) Money can solve all of life's problems

1. B) Envy of the wealthy merchant's lifestyle 2. B) True wealth lies in honest work and simple joys 3. B) He realized the futility of his pursuit of wealth 4. B) Friendship, honest work, and family love 5. B) True happiness comes from within, not from external riches

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